Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Campbell breaks down as mum apologises on TV

Valerie Morris was in the audience for the taping of the show, which aired on Monday (03May10), and listened as her daughter tried to explain what was behind her famous temper.
And something hit home when the model explained that she felt hurt when people she trusted lied to her or stole from her - because, at that point, she felt childhood issues rising inside.
Asked for her opinion, Morris brought her daughter to tears when she opened up about her parenting problems when Naomi was a little girl.
Mum said, "She used the word abandonment and it's fair to say that yes, I do feel that I abandoned her. I was 19 when I had Naomi and I was a single mum... I wanted the best for my daughter and I left Naomi to work to give her a better life, private education... and so, looking back, you sort of realise that material possessions are not the only thing that a child needs.
"Naomi, I'm really, really sorry."
At that point, host Oprah Winfrey had to cut to a commercial because her guest was too upset to continue with the interview.
After the break, the model fought back tears as she said, "Of course I understand the sacrifice she had to make."
The model then burst into tears again, prompting Winfrey to call for a tissue.

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