So, I was leaving school at lunch with danika and I notice this car, it's like smoking.

Way more than a overheated engine should be.
Then it turns to a dark smoke.
I'm like. Holy shit. I better call this shit in.
So I call the school, they transfer me to security.
So I call the school, they transfer me to security.
They say, "Okay, we'll send someone to check it out."
Thinking it was a prank or some shit probably.
Anyway, before I know it.. All security is there.
Some cops and the ambulence.

Solomon was like..
"What if it was the guys birthday, or someone just died in his family,
or what if there was a shit load of cocaine in his trunk? Or maybe
he was blazing it and forgot to tap it out."
I was like, "What if it fucking exploded?!"
The car could have blown up, and started a chain reaction
With other cars in the parking lot.
And havoc would have broke loose.
But, thanks to my anonymous phone call.
None of that will take place.
None of that will take place.
So I pull out of my parking space,
Across the street from the smoking car.
At the park.
So I pull out of my parking space,
Across the street from the smoking car.
At the park.
Going about, ehh 5mph.
And pop!
So, along with the dudes white car,
And pop!
So, along with the dudes white car,
Whoever that dude is..
My car gets fucked up too.
My car gets fucked up too.

I don't wanna be driving this shit around like this.
Like, TF?
Who would?
Ughh. I need a new car.
I love my car. But, mileage is for shit.
And shit like this happens.
Its driveable.
With a fucking huge ass fucking spare.
Fuck it.
Like it couldnt get any worse.
I wish I did'nt go to school today.
This week hasn't been all that great.
Thanks to certain events.
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